For many years DOTWORDS has been involved in activities with a strong social vocation that defend linguistic and cultural minorities. It pays particularly close attention to fragile categories and people with cognitive disabilities, the hearing and sight-impaired and foreign women living in difficult circumstances.

For these special categories, Dotwords has developed language services based on ad hoc tools to enable access to and use of texts, such as professional captions for videos, sign language translation, creation of audio content for the visually impaired, text simplification with infographics, comic strips and cartoons.

In this way, Dotwords can make a powerful contribution in the area of social inclusion for the disadvantaged (the handicapped, linguistic minorities, ex-pats, etc.) with tools assisting use of all text and audiovisual content.

Dotwords has already been involved for a number of years in an important captioning project for video courses for the deaf on holistic and personal growth issues, which has received a very positive response in many quarters, notably the senior managers of the Lombardy branch of Italy’s National Deaf Association.

The agency is also active in translation for the women’s network against violence, Associazione D.i.Re, which safeguards women from all countries and cultures from domestic violence and social discrimination.

Since 2018, in partnership with the  Amapola communication and consultancy company, Dotwords has provided language services for the production of corporate sustainability reports, financial statements and non-financial disclosures. The main objective of the partnership is to combine the two companies’ respective areas of expertise in order to develop innovative solutions and provide a full range of services to support organisations’ international growth.